I love a good Saturday morning Op-Shop.
However, it has become increasingly difficult since everyone caught onto the trend and started heading out to the local St. Vinnes, snapping up a bargain and selling it for triple the price at the local markets.
Hence why I've given up on clothes and am getting into more homewares and antiques like a really cool nanna.
Hence why I've given up on clothes and am getting into more homewares and antiques like a really cool nanna.
On Saturday I actually overheard a lady trying to bargain with the elderly woman working in the Red Cross over a $6 piece of crap!
I think people forget that the money from op-shops goes to charity so trying to bargain at an op-shop is like taking money from the collection trays at church. Or stealing someone's wheelchair.
At the moment I'm a bit obsessed with throwing an awesome High Tea so that's probably why I'm into kitchenware and glasses etc.
I've started to collect teacups and I've got a High Tea Pinterest board which is where I'm keeping all my inspiration!
I'm trying to only collect Royal Albert or Doulton teacups but they're hard to find.
At the moment I live with a housemate in his flat and it's furnished with all his stuff, so I'm trying to collect stuff for when I move out on my own. Eventually.
I'm trying to only collect Royal Albert or Doulton teacups but they're hard to find.
At the moment I live with a housemate in his flat and it's furnished with all his stuff, so I'm trying to collect stuff for when I move out on my own. Eventually.
Tips for Op-Shop Success
1. Do Your Research
If I'm looking at some china and I don't know if it's a good brand or what I should be paying I usually just Google it on my phone to see if it's worth the money. Ebay is also great for this which leads into...
2. Is It Worth It?
Try and buy good quality vinatge stuff not just cheap and nasty crap. Leave that stuff to the people who actually shop in op shops for real.
If I'm looking at some china and I don't know if it's a good brand or what I should be paying I usually just Google it on my phone to see if it's worth the money. Ebay is also great for this which leads into...
2. Is It Worth It?
Try and buy good quality vinatge stuff not just cheap and nasty crap. Leave that stuff to the people who actually shop in op shops for real.
3. Think Before You Buy
Don't buy something just beacuse it's cheap. Even $2 is $2 too much if you're never going to use/wear it. I am the worst impulse buyer ever. If you're no sure about it, leave it and come back.
Don't buy something just beacuse it's cheap. Even $2 is $2 too much if you're never going to use/wear it. I am the worst impulse buyer ever. If you're no sure about it, leave it and come back.
3. Make Sure It Can Be Salvaged
While there's a lot of thing a little soap and water can fix, you don't want to catch hepatitis from eating out of dirty silverware or lice from some homeless person's coat. Not cool.
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