Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Behind The Scenes With Wayne Cooper

I interviewed Wayne Cooper for Glam Adelaide last week (you can read the full interview here). You can never know what to expect from a celebrity, especially a fashion designer. Will they be friendly? Will they be a diva? Will they answer my questions? Etc etc 

 But I honestly really liked Wayne Cooper. He was brutally honest and wasn't afraid to speak his mind without being rude or arrogant. He also had a great sense of humour and didn't seem to take it all too seriously. 

 Below are some of my favourite quotes from my interview with Wayne Cooper. 

On Fashion 

 I think fashion is supposed to take you out of your everyday life and make you dream a bit. Otherwise why are we doing it? 

On Wearing Labels 

 Everyone needs beautiful clothes in their wardrobe, but you don’t need all your clothes to be beautiful clothes. It’s a mixture. But it’s good that you appreciate beautiful clothes that are expensive and why they are. 

 On Having A Diffusion Line 

 I can’t stand it when people say ‘why is that dress so expensive?’. That annoys me. ‘Beause this one took forever to make, and drove me insane and we don’t make many of them.' Sometimes I think, why did I make this beautiful dress out of silk when they don’t care if it was made of the worst polyester? There’s a place for all fashion. 

 On The Fashion Haters 

 People say, it’s fashion, why bother. Well by saying you hate fashion you’re making a statement about fashion anyway. So you’re still in it. 

 On The Youth Of Today 

 Sometimes I think that you people today don’t know nothing. I say, who’s Marvin Gaye? They don’t know. ‘Oh he was around before my time’. Well frank Sinatra was around before my time and I know who he was. 

On Their Fashion Sense 

 Apart from the young girls who think wearing a bandage and looking like a stripper is fashion, which is basically all the young girls.... And I’m sure that when I was young they didn’t all dress like strippers, but they do now. Apart from them, fashion isn’t age specific. It isn’t ‘this is for a 50 year old, this is for a 20 year old'. It depends how you wear it. 

 On Colour 

 I’ve found colour has become more and more and more and more important. Five, 10 years ago you go to Melbourne and everyone is wearing black and you can’t really sell them a black dress anymore. 

 On Trends He Likes 

 I like the fluros but toned down. Just highlights of things. A beautiful white dress with a slash of orange on it or something like that. 

 On Trends He Hates 

 You know how everyone’s wearing the floral shirt and the floral pair of pants? That big thing going on? I just think, can I see anyone I know walking out the house looking like that? You’ve got to be the right person to carry that look off. You just look like a floral garden top toe. I don’t know if I can cope with it. 

 One thing I’m scared of is that midriff’s are coming in with a vengance. There’s a lot of that shit going on next Summer. Big designer brands are all throwing midriffs out there. Now I used to can midriffs cos you get muffin tops. Not everyone should be wearing them right. Catwalks are loaded with them so I’m a bit worried about that. 

 (Is it safe to say Wayne Cooper won't be bringing out a midriff range) 

 I actually might do the odd one. I won’t do like 70 but I might do one or two and the appropriate girls will wear them. 

 (Good luck with that)

1 comment:

  1. If only I could pull off a midriff! Xx
